Kicking Off 12 February 2025 - 5pm
A rising tide lifts all boats
In late 2024 Waipā District Council, Soda Inc and Rocketspark came together to plan a series of tech meetups in 2025.
Our mission for the Waipā Tech Meetup is to bring together the local tech community where we can learn from and help each other as we take on the world from the Waipā District.
Discover insights, build networks, and connect with local experts who are happy to share their knowledge and wisdom.
David Booth - Global Perspectives on Startup Success
Lessons from the Diaspora
David Booth, a Waipā local based in Cambridge, will share his insights at the very first Waipā Tech Meetup on Wed 12 Feb 2025, 5pm.
Through his podcast at Diaspora.nz, David interviews a range of New Zealand tech founders and innovators operating abroad. David is an excellent podcast host and draws out great learnings while nicely weaving in his own perspective.
At our first Waipā Tech Meetup David will share the key learnings he's observed from the diaspora of New Zealanders doing great things offshore and will also share from his extensive experience from the intersecting worlds of startups, tech and investing.
The Meetup will start at 5pm at Rocketspark's HQ in central Cambridge. Further details on how to find us will be sent when you register.
The dispersion or spread of a people from their original homeland.
Working together to bring you Waipā Tech Meetup
Building Waipā's tech community together
At Waipā Tech Meetup, we create a space for people in tech to connect and grow. Our events focus on collaboration and drawing in locally based experts to share their knowledge.
Whether you're new to tech or advancing your career, the meetups will provide opportunities for development in Waipā's tech scene.